On May 12, 2021, M.T.O. Shahmaghsoudi® School of Islamic Sufism® Vancouver Centre celebrated International Nurses Day and Eid Al-Fitr. Donations of 110 Care Packages were made to the Nurses of Mountain Place, Legacy Senior Living, Adanac Park Lodge and Finish Manor Care Homes and 150 Food Packages were donated to the Greater Vancouver Food Bank in partnership with Mayor Mike Hurley. Volunteers prepared 110 individually packaged care packages which included snacks and scrub caps and 150 food care packages with each including cereal, canned chicken and fish, chilli, kraft dinner, pasta and a hand made cloth mask. MTO Vancouver Children also helped create cards for International Nurses Day in lieu of their yearly children’s day celebration held in honour of Hazrat Mir Ghotbeddin’s Birthday on May 10th.