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USC Interfaith Council and Block Party

  • Los Angeles, California
  • March 7, 2015
  • University of Southern California

USC's Interfaith Council brings together student leaders of different religious and non-religious traditions to foster dialogue and friendship between those of different backgrounds. This is particularly important on USC's campus as we have the most religious organizations of any school in the U.S.! This year, it had the first ever Interfaith Week from March 1-7: a week of events to celebrate, learn, and share about our different traditions. Therefore the M.T.O. Sufi Association® participated in the week's Interfaith Block Party on March 7. Various religious organizations, along with the M.T.O. Sufi Association®, set up tables with information and activities about their traditions in order to engage and educate students of other traditions. It was a fun day of religious engagement and education along with a special treat of having a Christian accapella group perform beautifully coordinated songs.

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